Miles and Pace

Earlier this year, my sister stumbled on a San Diego-based company called Miles and Pace.  If you have followed me long, you know I have a bit of a trucker hat obsession, so of course this was love at first sight!

She started our collection with the black and white truckers, and there was no turning back after that.


Our hobbies include run-streaking, collecting medals, hats and running as many 13.1 races as we can for that finish line chocolate milk!

The hats are great quality, a cute fit and perfect for that little bit of flair when running!  We wear them all the time, and are always joking (not joking) about what color we are adding to the collection next!


The pink and black is our latest addition and quickly became my favorite!  It has a new soft sweat band type lining across the forehead making even more of a comfortable fit!

In April I got to meet Anna, part of the mastermind behind the hats when we both ran the Carlsbad 5000!


She and her husband, David, both ran that morning, although I have yet to meet him yet!

You can follow them on IG here – @run_milesandpace

Happy Running, my friends!



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