Hi, I’m Melissa.  Obsessive runner, trainer, group exercise & spinning instructor, and toddler Mom to two energetic little boys!

 I’ve been running since high school, where I ran four years of cross country and track.  I didn’t really start enjoying it until after that though, when I was doing it for me.

I had zero competitive edge until after my boys were born, and I was on a mission to take my health back, for them and for me.

There is something about running that is so addictive, and it bonds people together like nothing else I have experienced.  I have made some amazing connections and friendships through the running community

 I’m striding through life one run at a time, while feeding my addictions for Half Marathons, caffeine and guacamole!

Follow me here for the fitness shenanigans of an endorphin junkie, boy Mama!




4 Comments on “About”

  1. Hi

    Do you do personal training?

    I’m running my first marathon this August. Have a few halfs, 5ks, and 10ks under my belt.

    Could use some coaching on schedules and eating.

    Enjoy your inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Brian! That’s exciting about your first marathon! I’m not doing a whole lot of training on the side right now, just some stuff in my spare time – but feel free to email me if you’ve got some specific questions! 😊Fitwithliss@yahoo.com


    • I am a runstreaker so I run everyday, but my “rest days” are just an easy 1 mile minimum. I do Spin a couple times a week which I believe is great for helping sculpt out the leg muscles! As for strength training I am mid marathon training cycle so with my high running mileage I am not doing a whole lot of lifting other than some short arm circuits a cpl times a week to keep my arms toned. As for diet I eat pretty clean, a big game changer for me was eliminating (almost all) gluten. No bloating after you eat! Also, water intake plays a big role as well! 😊


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